Simon Fallows

Simon Fallows

Simon Fallows

Position: M&A Advisor and Exit Planning Advisor

Personal Experience

Helping owners divest and diversify so they can enjoy the lifestyle they’ve worked so hard to achieve. Simon helps entrepreneurs achieve personal and financial success by guiding them through the exit planning and mergers & acquisition process. He is a serial entrepreneur, with a 30 year career of business ownership having bought and sold multiple companies while helping countless other owners achieve their growth ambitions.

Simon is actively involved in both main-street and middle-market transactions, assisting clients not only in business sales but also in valuations and exit planning. “Having been a business owner for many years, I draw upon my personal experience to help owners realize their best exit strategy. This is a relationship business which requires empathetic communication that I combine with lived experience and education to deliver great outcomes.”

Simon Fallows clear communication between buyers and sellers, business brokers and real estate agents; as well as other important participants such as bankers, accountants, attorneys and wealth planners is essential. A good business broker manages the process to the advantage of both sellers & buyers so everybody wins! Simon is a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) and a licensed realtor with the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) and is proud to represent Premium Business Brokers.